Kokoro Button by Usami Maki
© 2009 USAMI Maki
All Rights reserved Original Japanese Edition published in 2009 by Shogakukan Inc., Tokyo
Indonesian translation rights in Indonesia arranged with Shogakukan Inc. though The Kashima Agency for Japan Foreighn-Rights Centre
Love Button Vol. 1
Alih Bahasa : Veronika Fiani Setiawan
Penyunting : Mustika Arum
Artistik : Pugoeh
Hak cipta terjemahan Indonesia (2010) PT GRAMEDIA
Hak Cipta dilindungi Undang-Undang
Diterbitkan pertama kali tahun 2011 oleh PT GRAMEDIA
Cetakan pertama : 2011
Koga,who's help Niina when she have sick in the first day at grand opening her High School day. When Niina will declare love with Koga, Koga agreed to probation was going out with her. Waw..So happy....But, in the fact, Niina must be strong when she know Koga is famous guy in school. Coz he's from special class. Plus, Koga is 'funny' guy hehehehe Yeah, typical manga by Usamix are simple in drawing but rich in story hehehehe I think, her skill are so good...I very very like her drawing and colouring.....Look sooooooooooooo cute.... I am sure, when I have boyfriend like Koga, I will never boring with my day LOL coz he's is so 'funny' and unique. Niina think in the first time, koga is cool guy with his smart brain. But, when she be his girl, Niina can see the real who is Koga LOL Not so cool as look, not so quiet as heard and not so so so LOL
Ah, this the link for reading Online,
Kokoro Button in Mangafox.com [link]
Kokoro Button in MangaAnimea.net [link]
But, my suggestion is, LEGAL MANGA is the best hehehehe :) So, when you have more money, better you buy one for collection :) Chiayoooo
This below I will share mangascan from this manga :)
17 Komentar:
wow i like it
really i love manga :))
Hahahaha~~~Yeah, I luv manga too....Do you get this manga in your country? Trust me, this kind of manga is good b(>___<)d
I can get it from net , I trust you so that i'll download soon :)
Fufufufu...yeah, but mangascan not complete yet...legal published on going too :'( I ahve already waiting next volume since 2 month ago hukz... T__T
Hai...saya cuma nak tanya ada buku comic yg dijual dkat on9...
@Anonim: Maksudnya? Tak paham ke~~~ :)
awawaw!! ni komik bikin deg"an
embeeerrrr~~~komik karya UsamiX sensei emang mancaaaaaapp abis :P
love button karya usami MAKI emang top..aku tunggu volume 6-nya bkalan seru pasti..:DD
volume 5 udh bikin deg2an
aku suka banget sama ceritanya... baru baca juga sih, hahaha *telat*. tapi masih sampe jilid 5, iya bukan? gak sabar nunggu jilid selanjutnya ^^.
Love koga-kun~~ XDD
@Salwa Doang: Iya nih, kaenya serrruuuu bgt :)
@Spring Tiger: Iya, baru sampe jilid #5 ko :) Follow aja twitternya usami-sensei :)
i have this comic,,,love button 1-5,,now waiting for the next volume..LB vol 6..impatient...
@Anonim: Yep,,,, I am waiting for #6 also wkwk
baca itu rasanyaaa kyk masuk ke dunianya,dan jadi pemerannya,,
berasaaaaa bgt ceritanya,
duuuh ga sabar nunggu vol.6
cepetan keluaar dunx
@Anonim: yap, menurut gw,,,,itu kelebihan manga buatan usami-sensei :)
manga nya usami maki emang keren banget ngena banget bwt remaja sekarang ini uuh ~~
@choi sinta: yep, agreed,,,,,,although I am not a girl anymore, but I love usamix book to be my collection hihi
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