ぴちゃん かわいい Blog: If I Could Be You - DJ Dean
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If I Could Be You - DJ Dean

Senin, 18 Oktober 2010

"Ape luu?~" ekekekekek~~

Malas menghantui pelupuk mata, jari tangan dan otak...but, ketika sang telinga denger lantunan lagu disco style *apalah sebutane ekekekek~~* tiba2 mata melek, otak muter trus jari tangan jadi semangat.... Yap, lagu gawean DJ Dean - If I could Be You.... Bener2 menggugah semangat..... Jadinya bisa ngutak ngatik lapi n tugas malam ne dengan semangat ditemani music2 chic n semangat semua kayak Lady Gaga, Gwen n Evanescence... :P

If I could be you
I would take the world and hold it in one hand
If I could be you
I would bring the sunshine after rainy day
If I could be you
I would paint the letters on that empty page
If I could be you
I would take my heart and stay right to the end

Gw ga suka clubbing...tp suatu waktu seneng juga denger musik disco Mix-an :)) Ato lagu dangdut koploan ekekekek~~ Music is so universal and touch banged...:))

credit to:
situs lirik
poto DJ Dean

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